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Nice OC! :)

Genesisbun responds:

Thank youuuu :3

Neat 3D Models :P A bit goofy

p0tterindy responds:

thanks :) the colors are all washed out 4 some reason after i export, im gonna try to fix that

definitely meant to be a bit goofy, my excuse for sucking at rigging and anatomy

Do you make those Models? :O

Tistan01 responds:

Unfortunately not! These models were ripped from Sonic Forces and lovingly enhanced by SuperStaticPro on Steam! They added custom models, enhances facial features and enhanced limb functionality! If you ever do SFM stuff, you should check them out.

Real Life is harsh, Unluckiness is harsh--- oh wait, he just have a Grim Reaper standing next to him lol

theratherridiculous responds:

On the bright side, there's no mortgage to pay in hell.

He smile! :)

Welcome to the Newgrounds' Art Portal! ^-^

SourRaven276 responds:

Thank you!!

She seems a mix of rage and scared :O

Stuff animal for comfort :D

NamdoTheCat responds:

I was mainly going for sad. but your take is interesting maybe she is scared she will be alone forever and she's mad because no one came. I mean, I don't think she's gonna tell anyone and I don't think you can read minds unless you are a satori lol

They both vibing! :D

Welcome to the Newgrounds' Art Portal! ^-^

ChipPerDusk responds:

Hey i was too shy to say this earlier, but thank u so much ToT <3333

Pleasant picnic ^^

Welcome to the Newgrounds' Art Portal! ^-^

ph4ntombride responds:

thank u, happy to be here :)

Nice SFM Render! :)

Tistan01 responds:

Thank you so much! I'm thinking of uploading a few more of these, my NG page has been dead for far too long.

I hope we can get some new HxH episode maybe in the future :<

Sploopei responds:

The manga does go beyond the 2011 anime.
If Togashi gets the arc finished I'd bet we see a full remake with the new arc added, or just that arc as a mini-series thing
But I don't think anyone will do anything until either an arc finishes or Togashi stops working on the manga completely. :(
honestly even if its just OVA'S or something just need more hxh content in my life I feel you on that<:(((

Sugar sugar, sweet sweet, sugar sweet, cute sugar beet =3

2D/3D Artist, Composer, & Animator // ADHD // Autism // Positive Energy for everyone! :D

Please don't take me seriously, I spread Positivity! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥

PFP: @Teacookiesandpeace

Tyhond @Tyhond

Age 19, He/Him (Femboy)

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Joined on 1/14/19

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