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I think the Christmas Tree would be better if you lineart draw it :3 I think that would be great :D

Billy-SuperSkullz responds:

True it would probably help make it stand out, I could probably work with that (Though that would require me to rethink of how I make the tress in the image)

So cuuuuute! :D Electric Wooper!

riot100233 responds:

zip zap zop

Cute :3 A femboy! :D

Laranxart responds:

HAY! Thank you so much :3

The X, The Zero, and Axl :3

I haven't seen much Axl since they appear in Megaman X7 & X8

Also see Zero a lot cause Megaman Zero :D

DerangedKnite responds:

Zero is a favorite out of the 3.

Still! Give megaman x8 a shot, Its pretty underrated, And its good too! Unike megaman x7

But yes today is the 30th anniversary for the megaman x series, And the 36th anniversary for the megaman series as a whole.

Axl is amazing too! The three of them are all amazing!

The guy with red eyes and smoke is really snazzy :3 I like him!

itsDrep responds:

Thank you!

I like the art :>

Welcome to the Art Portal! :D

dfgsdgsdfgbsdg responds:

Thank u Tyhond <3

This is cool :3 Would pat that smiley shdaow creature x3

Welcome to the Newgrounds' Art Portal! ^-^

DoppiotheGuy responds:

That little smile creature is also Seraphina. Both beings are the same but the more human like one is a vessel

I like this :3 Both of them having their cool and pretty rooms! GF's room is snazzy :)

Welcome to the Art Portal! :D

taco-bro responds:

Thank you so much!

I like Megaman X! :D Although I know about Megaman Zero & ZX. There's a thing in Megaman Zero which describe evil X known as Copy X :P

GroundLuca17 responds:

I know, the idea in this drawing I had in mind an alternative idea about Mega Man X7, where X instead of become a 'total/boring pacifist' he started to go out and hunt down Mavericks.
In game, it would result in X not being playable (starting with Zero and Axl as usual), then he will join after seeing Zero and Axl results or by just story reasons as in mega man X7.

Sounds dark but I think it's better than X7 version.

Then, for future games, Copy X is a reflection of these ideas that X had in mind :)

It looks like she's been through many battles! :D Maybe a war too :3

Miss-Moth responds:

Ehe, wouldn't really say she's been in a war. honestly the best way i can descrie her is like a norse medusa, if that makes sence?

Sugar sugar, sweet sweet, sugar sweet, cute sugar beet =3

2D/3D Artist, Composer, & Animator // ADHD // Autism // Positive Energy for everyone! :D

Please don't take me seriously, I spread Positivity! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥

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Tyhond @Tyhond

Age 19, He/Him (Femboy)

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