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He silly :3

Nebula128 responds:

a silly lil guy X3

He's just too scared ;w;

ItaliaNinjArtist responds:

And so sweet

What does it say :O

qeuqz responds:


Great colorful job on those paper art! ^^

Welcome to the Art Portal! :D

janaetime responds:

Thank you soso much!! >:D

I heard of Space Station 13 from a friend, what's it about?

hawklew responds:

Roleplaying game about a space station where you pick a job and roleplay with other players in isolated rounds that can last hours, more or less. The code is open-source so sometimes it can be on a ship, or a planet, or even medieval times instead. Some codebases allow you to play through different periods of civilization and eras - like WW2, or WW1, or even in the stone age, letting you make your own civilization with others.
The game is fairly dated and it's in a gaming platform that still nets 2500 players regularly. Unfortunately, adult content servers are predominant nowadays, and you may also be limited by servers that are non-English by default.

Why he so mad at them x3

DrawReese2News responds:

Because they are trying to get the tamato berri


Logan7643O responds:

He's Been Through Some Stuff.

Hug the carrot! ^-^ Cuteeee!

JMuniz12 responds:

just got an update - it may end up on a shirt ;3

They're just fellas! :D

Dark290z responds:

Yes :D

This seems quite interesting :0 A war?

hawklew responds:

There's an explanation of the rendition that I made as a spice for those who lack the context (since they have not been in this roleplay).

The black hole represents the anomalies of the world appearing.
The red laser going through a planet represents the destruction of Krasnoyarsk II, a Soviet colony, from the Union of Colonials, Planetarians and Kosmoslavs, UCPK.
The purple meteorite with tendrils represents the zombie faction - expanding, hateful biomass that wants the entire world.
The bronze represents the Rat'varian Legionnaires, the worshipper of Rat'var, the Clockwork God. The servant holding a small bug in his hand is a cogscarab, a little maintenance and spying drone. Cog represents their faction, wrench their machinery, and the ruby their beacon.
The scarlet represents the UCPK, the Soviets. Their rockets set off in a blaze of livid revenge. The hammer and sickle represent their ideals. And the tanks, their formidable force, in space, ground, and air - their spacetanks cross. The conscript is the warrior, the general is the leader, and the mech is the shield.
The blue represents the Treyadian Techion. The gray 'tool' is actually their colossal mega station, Treyadin. Lightbulb means their technological prowess, the circuit their heart, the machine their body, and the brain, their thought.
Gagorans, the gray-red, the ones who destroyed Krasnoyarsk II, are (prophesized) to be pounded with Soviet rockets, nuclear and cluster, for their crimes.
And Hraxans, those who fought the Gagorans in the past, who lost their home, will never hold a rule in the galaxy ever again, for, they will exhaust the strength they had left.

Sugar sugar, sweet sweet, sugar sweet, cute sugar beet =3

2D/3D Artist, Composer, & Animator // ADHD // Autism // Positive Energy for everyone! :D

Please don't take me seriously, I spread Positivity! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥

PFP: @Teacookiesandpeace

Tyhond @Tyhond

Age 19, He/Him (Femboy)

Fantasy Reality


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Joined on 1/14/19

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