Happy Star! :D
Happy Star! :D
he's from a video game called the legendary starfy/Densetsu no Stafy
Cute :3 Volt Ignis!
She's beautiful and silly! :P
Glowy forehead! ^^
Welcome to the Art Portal! :D
from a Sega Genesis game called Ecco the dolphin and Ecco the tides of time
Sheep-like! :D Adorb!
She's cuuute! :D Sock puppet is nice!
Kinda Crabbish :3 But it's some alien crustacean looking fella
its from a Sega dreamcast game called alien front online
Punch Punch Frog! :D Cuuuuute!
Woah! :D So many really good pixel art! All looks amazing!
Great Fanart! :D Pixel art looking nice!
Sugar sugar, sweet sweet, sugar sweet, cute sugar beet =3
2D Vector Artist, Composer, & Animator // ADHD // Autism // Positive Energy for everyone! :D
Please don't take me seriously, I spread Positivity! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥
Age 19, He/Him (Femboy)
Fantasy Reality
Alternate Reality
Joined on 1/14/19